Why your 2021 People Plan must be Agile


In 2021 HR leaders are planning for more of the unexpected.

As time goes ahead in the current climate, we come to the realisation that rigid People Plans are a thing of the past and we need to plan for the unknown and be able to stay flexible.

What we have seen in the last 12 months is that traditional planning has failed to deliver growth, whereas companies that have been able to flex and pivot have grown and even thrived through this pandemic.

Take a company like Deliveroo who started delivering basic groceries as opposed to just restaurant food, adapting their app to include household basics shows a great example of agility. In 2019, the company’s revenue has grown by 62%, to reach £771.8 million (Financial Times).

Having a People Plan is important but making sure that we are able to look at new opportunities and move with the external market is even more crucial.

So how is agility achieved? By giving your leaders the skills to manage change, bringing their teams along on the journey, gaining their buy-in, and communicating how integral their input is to achieve success.

Agility is also achieved by adopting a fluid structure where there is a fully engaged core team and the wider team scales as and when the company needs to. By getting in front of things rather than waiting and reacting, planning helps you to know what things might need doing well in advance.

As furlough comes to an end, you can start planning proactively how to manage people back or if your team size will change, then you can plan on how to manage the impact that this will have on the rest of your team motivation, workload and processes.

How to deal with wellbeing and mental health is another thing that can be managed proactively. As we mentioned in last week’s blog, maintaining your team's engagement and performance can be achievable with low-cost initiatives, like creating open and safe spaces to discuss mental health and appointing wellbeing champions.

Sign up to our People Planning Session to find out how to achieve true agility. Gain sight of what’s coming your way and how to plan for and achieve the best case scenario.

In our February communications we are focusing on Agile Planning to ensure that growth is achieved in today's business climate! Make sure you stay tuned into next week's blog on how to share your vision with your teams in a way that everyone is on-board and they feel valued for their contribution!

Get ready to START, SCALE & SOAR.

Nicola Kleinmann

Creative thinker, curious about life… sometimes a dreamer! Passionate about people making their home unique to them and all their little quirks. Bringing together an eclectic mix of home accessories by independent artists, creators and designers.


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